.....Do You Know What Lailat ul Qadr (Night of Power) is?.....
Know! O Muslim's, that Allah has made fasting obligatory upon us so that we worship Him doing so; (therefore) so that your fast is acceptable and beneficial (to you) be aware of the following:
Suhoor is A Blessing to Those Who Will Submit.
After the niyah (intention) is made silently, a light meal called suhoor before the beginning of the fast is necessary when following the Sunnah traditions of Ramadan. Suhoor can be as little as a date and a few sips of water but is very necessary as the angels ask for forgiveness for the Muslim partaking of sahoor.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Note: You will find more options there on the top right corner, inshaAllaah.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Laylat ul Qadr
end of ramadan,
night of power,
Monday, August 30, 2010
How to take full advantage and benefit from the last part of Ramadan ?
Hope you had a great day, inshallah. Here's an article about the last 10 days of Ramadan which will be of benefit, inshallah!:
1-Praying in the last ten nights of Ramadan
2-Performing I`tikaf in the Masjid (seclusion in the Mosque)
3-Seeking Laylatul-Qadr (the Night of Decree)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Preparing for the Last Ten Days of Ramadan
Hope you had a good rest yesterday, inshallah. Now is actually the time to start warming up for the next 10 days!
Here are a few tips to help you on your way:
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Get Ready for the Final Sprint
The last 10 days of Ramadan are finally coming up. Now is the time that you should be relaxing a bit (though not too much). Alhamdulillah, Allah Azza Wajal has provided us with such a schedule that these 10 days start from Monday, inshallah.
Get a good sleep and take care of all your needs beforehand, especially if you are planning to do Itekaf. You've got these 2 holidays for all your preparations and then you start sprinting, inshallah, until Ramadan ends.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Yaum al-Furqan - The Day of Distinguishing
As all of you would be aware, today is the 17th of Ramadan, the day that was declared as the Day of Distinguishing due to the reason that the most important battle of Islam, the Battle of Badr, was fought on this day.
Let us remember the sacrifices that the Prophet Muhammad (S) and his Sahabah (RA) made for Islam and learn lessons from them so that we become like them! Let us also stand for the truth just as they did! Or let us at least try our best! And inshallah, Allah Azza Wajal will help us on our way and guide us to the right path.
Here is a series short lecture on the Battle of Badr which is taken from the authentic narrations from ibn Kathir:
Here is a short article also on the Battle of Badr:
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Medical Benefits of Taraweeh Prayers
Muslims derive therapeutic and spiritual benefits starting from the Wudu to the physical movements in the Salat - Takbir, Qiyam, Ruku, Sajda, Jalsa, andTasleems. Muslims perform five daily contact prayers (Salat) and voluntary prayers (Sunnah, Nafl) throughout the year and Taraweeh prayers during the month of Ramadan. This results in moderate physical exercise particularly to every muscle in the body. Some muscles contract isometrically (same length) and some contract in approximation or isotonically (same tension). The energy needed for the muscle during exercise is met by a process known as glycogenolysis. The rate of muscle metabolism increases during the performance of Salat, resulting in a relative deficiency of oxygen and muscle nutrients. In turn this deficiency causes vasodilation - an increase in the calibre of blood vessels - thereby allowing blood to flow easily back to the heart. The temporarily increased load on the heart acts to strengthen the heart muscle and to improve the circulation within the heart muscle.
During the month of Ramadan, additional prayers are performed after salatul Ishaa, called Taraweeh prayers which vary from 8 rakat (unit of prayer) to 20rakat with a few minutes break after every 4 rakat for chanting and extolling the Majesty of Allah. After Iftar (breaking of fast) the blood glucose level continues to rise from the food ingested. Just before the Iftar meals, the blood glucose and insulin levels are at their lowest level. After an hour or so after the Iftar meal, the blood glucose begins to rise and also plasma insulin. Liver and the muscles take up the circulating glucose. The blood sugar reaches high levels in an hour or two and the benefits of Taraweeh prayers come into effect. The circulating glucose is metabolised into carbon dioxide and water during the Taraweeh prayers.
Hence the Taraweeh prayers help in expending the extra calories and improve flexibility, coordination, reduce stress-related autonomic responses in healthy persons, and relieve anxiety and depression.
benefits of salah,
medical benefits of Salah,
medical benefits of taraweeh,
taraweeh prayers
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Reward for Qiyam ul Lail
Praise be to Allaah.
al-layl is Sunnah mu’akkadah (a confirmed Sunnah). Many texts of the Qur’aan
and Sunnah encourage it and speak of its high status and great reward.
Qiyaam al-layl plays a great role in strengthening one's faith and
helping one to do good deeds. Allaah says (interpretation of the
“O you wrapped in garments (i.e. Prophet Muhammad)!
2. Stand (to pray) all night, except a little —
3. Half of it or a little less than that,
4. Or a little more. And recite the Qur’aan (aloud) in a
slow, (pleasant tone and) style.
5. Verily, We shall send down to you a weighty Word (i.e.
obligations, laws).
6. Verily, the rising by night (for Tahajjud prayer) is very
hard and most potent and good for governing oneself, and most suitable for
(understanding) the Word (of Allaah)”
[al-Muzzamil 73:1-6]
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hastening to Break the Fast
is no reward for delaying breaking the fast, rather it is better to hasten to
break the fast as soon as the sun has set; this brings a more complete
Al-Bukhaari (1957) and Muslim
(1098) narrated from Sahl ibn Sa’d that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The people will continue to do well so
long as they hasten to break the fast.”
Abu Dawood (2353) narrated the same
from Abu Hurayrah; his report includes the additional phrase, “… because the
Jews and Christians delay it.” Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi
Dawood, 2353.
delaying breaking fast,
delaying iftar,
ramadan fast
Monday, August 23, 2010
Tafseer of Juzz Amma - Muhammad Alshareef
Here is yet another series of Tafseer lectures of the 30th Juzz, this time by Muhammad Alshareef. Inshallah, they'll be of a lot of benefit.
download tafseer of Quran,
english tafseer,
holy quran,
Juzz Amma,
Muhammad Alshareef,
touched by an angel
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tafseer of Juzz Amma - Nouman Ali Khan
Here are a few more lectures on Tafseer by Nouman Ali Khan of the 30th Juzz of the Quran. The unique thing about his lectures is that he grammatically examines the verses too.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tafseer of Quran
I recently mentioned that Ramadan is the month of Quran and that we should focus on the Quran at this time. Here are a few links to help you download the Tafseer of the Quran, inshallah! These lectures were delivered by Dr. Israr Ahmed few years back, or more appropriately a few decades back.
daura tarjuma quran,
download tafseer of Quran,
dr. israr,
Dr. Israr Ahmed,
english tafseer,
ramadan dip
Friday, August 20, 2010
The punishment for breaking the fast in Ramadan with no excuse
I do not fast. Will I be
punished on the Day of Resurrection?
Praise be to Allaah.
Fasting in Ramadan is one of the pillars on which Islam is built.
Allaah tells us that He has prescribed it for the believers of this ummah
[nation], as He prescribed it for those who came before them. Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed
for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become
Al-Muttaqoon (the pious”
[al-Baqarah 2:183]
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Ramadan Greetings from Baba Ali
ask baba ali,
baba ali,
ramadan fast,
ramadhan fast
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Salat ut Taraweeh - 8 or 20 rakahs?
people are of the view that only 8 rakahs should be performed because of a hadith
in Sahih Bukhari which states thus, Abu Salamah says, “I asked Aisha (RA) as
to how the Prophet (S) performed his prayers during Ramadan.” She replied, “The
Prophet (SAW) would not perform more than 11 rakah be it in Ramadan or other
than Ramadan. He would perform 4 rakah not to mention their beauty nor their
length. Then he would perform another 4, do not ask about their beauty or their
length, then he would perform 3 (witr). I said, “O Prophet of Allah, do you
sleep before performing witr?” He replied, “O Aisha, my eyes sleep, my heart doesn’t.”(the
hadith states that he would not pray more than 11 raka’aks in Ramadan or other
then Ramadan, are there any Taraweeh other than Ramadhan? No!)
benefits of ramadan,
ramadan prayer,
taraweeh prayers
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Suhoor Recipe
Here' a great Suhoor recipe which might prove very beneficial, inshallah. Remember not to eat too much though.
You'll need:
- Dates (fully ripened type)
- Milk
- A healthy breakfast cereal
- A Banana
- Honey
benefits of ramadan,
ramadan tips,
suhoor recipe,
suhoor tip
Monday, August 16, 2010
Dua for Suhoor and Iftar
Though, i think I got late in posting this, but we've still got most of Ramadan in front of us.
Note that the dua which is most common among the people isn't actually the most authentic one!
benefits of ramadan,
dua for iftar,
dua for ramadan,
dua for suhoor,
ramadan dua,
ramadan fast
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Handling the Ramadan Dip
When Ramadan started, most of us were very excited and had planned to fully exert themselves in the worship of Allah Azza Wajal. However, now that it's been a few days, a lot of us, or rather most of us, are now feeling lazy and so are very unproductive.
Here are a few tips to help us all. However, keep in mind that you do not exert yourself too much because you have to sprint in the last ten days, inshallah, and remember to focus on the Quran as Ramadan is the month of Quran.
However, we need to realize that we have to make a difference this Ramadan because Ramadan is a month of blessings and if we aren't able to get those blessings now, then when will we?
Here are a few tips to help us all. However, keep in mind that you do not exert yourself too much because you have to sprint in the last ten days, inshallah, and remember to focus on the Quran as Ramadan is the month of Quran.
benefits of ramadan,
ramadan dip,
ramadan fast
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Al-Siyaam: 70 Matters related to Fasting; by Sheikh Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Siyaam (fasting)
3. Ruling on fasting
4. The virtues of fasting
5. The benefits of fasting
6. Etiquette and Sunnah of fasting
7. What should be done during this great month
8. Some of the ahkaam (rulings) on fasting
9. How the onset of Ramadaan is determined
10. Who is obliged to fast?
11. Travellers
12. The sick
13. The elderly
14. Niyyah (intention) in fasting
15. When to start and stop fasting
16. Things that break the fast
17. Rulings on fasting for women
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Siyaam (fasting)
3. Ruling on fasting
4. The virtues of fasting
5. The benefits of fasting
6. Etiquette and Sunnah of fasting
7. What should be done during this great month
8. Some of the ahkaam (rulings) on fasting
9. How the onset of Ramadaan is determined
10. Who is obliged to fast?
11. Travellers
12. The sick
13. The elderly
14. Niyyah (intention) in fasting
15. When to start and stop fasting
16. Things that break the fast
17. Rulings on fasting for women
benefits of ramadan,
fasting tips,
ramadan fast,
ramadhan fast,
spiritual and health benefits of ramadan fast
Friday, August 13, 2010
Prayer Timings (including Sehr and Iftar time)
Here's a gadget to help you find prayer timings. Note that the daily timings will be displayed. You'll have to select dates and then click on 'Get Timetable' button if you want the complete list. Remember to match the Gregorian date too!
Following the first gadget is another one which only displays the timings for today!
Following the first gadget is another one which only displays the timings for today!
Fajr time is when Sehr time finishes and Maghrib is Iftar time.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Understanding Ramadan
Here's a short introduction video of Ramadan:
Anwar al-Awlaki,
benefits of ramadan,
imam anwar al-awlaki,
ramadan mubarak,
ramadan tips,
ramadhan fast,
yemeni jihad
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam)'s sermon on Ramadan
"O People! The month of Allah (Ramadan) has
come with its mercies, blessings and forgiveness. Allah has decreed this month
the best of all months. The days of this month are the best among the days and
the nights are the best among the nights and the hours during Ramadan are the
best among the hours.
This is a month in which you have been invited by
Him (to fast and pray). Allah has honoured you in it. In every breath you take
is a reward of Allah, your sleep is worship, your good deeds are accepted and
your invocations are answered.
Therefore, you must invoke your Lord in all
earnestness with hearts free from sin and evil, and pray that Allah may help
you to keep fast, and to recite the Holy Qur'an. Indeed! Miserable is the one
who is deprived of Allah's forgiveness in this great month.
Baihaqi sermon on Ramadan,
Prophet Muhammad (S),
Prophet Muhammad (S)'s sermon on Ramadan,
ramadan mubarak,
ramadan tips,
sermon on Ramadan,
welcoming ramadan
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Our Long Awaited Guest is finally here!
Ramadan is almost here. Let us make sure that we get our sins forgiven by pleading to Allah Azza Wajal just like a small child pleads to his parents until he gets what he wants. Let us try to fulfill all our faraidh (obligatory actions) along with as many Sunnahs and Nawafils as possible.
Remember that we cannot exert ourselves too much at the beginning because we've got to save some energy for the last sprint during the last ten days of Ramadan, inshallah. Also, remember to focus more on the Quran. For a detailed explanation of the Quran, here's the Tafsir ibn Kathir, all 10 volumes! You can also listen or download the Tafseer of the 30th Juzz of the Quran from Kalamullah.Com.
Remember that we cannot exert ourselves too much at the beginning because we've got to save some energy for the last sprint during the last ten days of Ramadan, inshallah. Also, remember to focus more on the Quran. For a detailed explanation of the Quran, here's the Tafsir ibn Kathir, all 10 volumes! You can also listen or download the Tafseer of the 30th Juzz of the Quran from Kalamullah.Com.
By the way, you might have noticed the change in layout. We had the same layout for about 2 years and I thought that Ramadan would be a good time to change it. I'll keep changing the background as events come and go but inshallah, the basic layout will remain as it is now.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Ramadan Tips (Updated 9/8/2010)
Following are a few tips to help us make the most of Ramadan,
inshallah. The main categories that I have divided them into are sleeping tips,
exercise tips, eating tips, cooking tips, personal worship tips and
general/random tips. Of course, I don’t expect everyone to apply all this at
once because they are too many but apply as many as possible and inshallah,
Allah Azza Wajal will be there to help us. Remember to keep checking back. I'll keep updating the post with a few more tips, inshallah.
First, here is an analogy of Ramadan which I would like everyone to ponder over:
Suppose you were a student and there was this particular subject in which you hadn't been doing well at all. Now, when the year is about to end, the professor comes to you and tells you that I know that you've been slackening in this subject throughout the year but I'll make a deal with you. There is this test that will be conducted and if you manage to score an A grade or more, I'll consider that your grade for the whole year and discard all the other test results. What would you do? Throw the offer back at his face or thank him and spend all the remaining time preparing for that test. Similarly, Allah Azza Wajal has given us all such an option. Think about it. This could be your last Ramadan. How many people do you know who were here last Ramadan and aren't here anymore? You could be one of them this time. Would you leave such an offer? Only 30 days to work hard and you could be free from Hellfire, all your sins from the past 20, 30, 60 or whatever number of years you've been living!
Any suggestions, corrections etc. are welcome!
Hope we have a great Ramadan, inshallah!
benefits of ramadan,
fasting tips,
ramadan mubarak,
ramadan tips,
ramadhan fast,
ramadhan moon,
welcoming ramadan,
work in ramadan
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Asif Ali Zardari Hit by Shoe in Birmingham, UK
Asif Ali Zardari Hit by Shoe in Birmingham During Press Conference He is the President of Pakistan . There Are many Big politicians That Are hit By Shoe On The Occupation Of giving Speech . This Time The Shoe Hit To Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari When He was delievring Press Conference . The video will be available soon, President Zardari is visiting Europe, taking withering criticism from the people of Pakistan about his absence from the country for Pakistan at a time when the country against flooding.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Ramadan Resources (Updated Once)

Ramadan Resources
This note contain Important articles, lectures, book, website link and other resourceful information about Ramadan to prepare you for Ramadan so you are able to take maximum benefit from this Mubarak month. Please read the notes to gain more knowledge about Ramadan.
"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)." [Soorah al-Baqarah (2):183]
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- Hasan bin Husayn bin Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab(1)
- He for Allah?(1)
- heart softeners(1)
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- hell(1)
- helping jews(1)
- hereafter(5)
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- hinduism(2)
- Hisnul Muslim(1)
- history of valentine's day(2)
- hizb-ut-tahrir(6)
- holy quran(3)
- homosexual is evil(1)
- homosexuality(1)
- Hosani Mubarak(1)
- how islam was established(1)
- how to increase iman(4)
- how was valentine's day appointed(2)
- HP(1)
- HP CEO(1)
- Huda TV(1)
- Hussain (RA)(1)
- Ibn al-Qayyim(3)
- ibn Tamiyyah(2)
- ibn uthaymeen(4)
- Ibnul Qayyim(1)
- iftar time(1)
- illicit intercourse(1)
- imaan boosters(2)
- imam abu hanifa(1)
- imam anwar al-awlaki(12)
- imam hambal(2)
- imam hanbal(2)
- imam kabah(5)
- imam malik(1)
- imam masjid-e-nabawi(1)
- imam shafiee(1)
- imitation(1)
- imitation recitation(1)
- importance of miswaak(2)
- importance of salah(5)
- important update dr. aafia siddiqui's letter(1)
- Imran Hosein(1)
- Imran N. Hosein(1)
- increase iman(3)
- india fears pakistan(2)
- indian army(1)
- indian intelligence(1)
- inflation in Gaza(1)
- injustice(1)
- innovations(1)
- innovations of Muharram(2)
- inside kabah(3)
- insulting Islam(1)
- intentions(1)
- interest(1)
- intermingling(1)
- intermixing(1)
- intolerance in the West(2)
- intoxications(1)
- invalidation of fast(1)
- is Anwar al-Awlaki dead or alive(1)
- is quran outdated?(1)
- is quran wrong?(1)
- Isa (AS)(1)
- islam(4)
- islam and april fool(1)
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- islam and nationalism(2)
- islam and sikhism(1)
- islam and valentine's day(4)
- islam and women(3)
- islam and zoroastrianism(1)
- islam will rise(1)
- islam-qa(1)
- islamic(1)
- islamic books(13)
- islamic court(1)
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- Islamic education of Anwar al-Awlaki(2)
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- Japan tsunami(4)
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- justifying the new world order(1)
- Juzz Amma(1)
- kaafir(1)
- kabah(4)
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- kalimahs(1)
- Kamal el-Mekki(1)
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- khilafah(13)
- khilafah conference(2)
- khilafat(13)
- kuffar(1)
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- lal masjid operation(1)
- Lars Vilks(1)
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- learning about Islam(3)
- learning arabic(1)
- leave pornography(1)
- lecture(1)
- lectures(1)
- legality of assassinating US citizen(1)
- lesbian(1)
- lesbian marriages(1)
- less diseases due to salat(1)
- letter from Dr. Aafia Siddiqui(2)
- letter to obama(1)
- liars(1)
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- logic of no hadith(1)
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- love of muhammad (S)(1)
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- lower your gaze(1)
- lying(1)
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- makkah imam(1)
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- mardin declaration(1)
- martyrdom of Hussain (RA)(1)
- martyrs(1)
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- medical benefits of Salah(1)
- medical benefits of taraweeh(1)
- men and women together(1)
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- methods to increase iman(2)
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- miracle of Quran(2)
- Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(1)
- misconceptiosn among Muslims(2)
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- miswaak(2)
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- Nouman Ali Khan(1)
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- origins of kalimahs(1)
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- Paigham-e-Quran(1)
- Pakistan(5)
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- Pakistan bans facebook(5)
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- pakistan flooding(1)
- pakistan floods(2)
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- poverty at eid(1)
- power of du'aa(1)
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- predestination(1)
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- preparing for exams(2)
- president of Pakistan(1)
- prisoner 650(4)
- problem democracy(3)
- ProductiveMuslim(1)
- ProductiveRamadan(1)
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- proof for rafa yadain(2)
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- proof of Prophet Muhammad (S) being a prophet(3)
- prophet (S)'s appearance(2)
- Prophet Muhammad (S)(1)
- Prophet Muhammad (S)'s birthday/death(5)
- Prophet Muhammad (S)'s sermon on Ramadan(1)
- prophetic proof(2)
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- punishment of grave(1)
- purify your gaze(1)
- purpose of life(2)
- Qadar(1)
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- qiyamah(2)
- qualities of ayat-ul qursi(1)
- questions about khilafat(6)
- questions among Muslims(1)
- questions by the Jews(1)
- Questions Jews posed to the Prophet (S)(1)
- questions of the Jews(1)
- questions to the Prophet (S)(1)
- quran(8)
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- quranic recitations(3)
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- ramadan dip(8)
- ramadan dua(3)
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- ramadan flooding(1)
- ramadan moon(1)
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- ramadan preparation(1)
- ramadan tips(5)
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- ramadhan moon(3)
- rare photos(1)
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- reading quran(4)
- reading Quran together(1)
- reading quran without understanding(1)
- rebelling against rulers(1)
- recitation rules(2)
- red heart(1)
- refuting Tahir ul Qadri(1)
- Reginald Firehammer(1)
- rejecting islam(1)
- relaxing in Islam(1)
- release prisoners(1)
- religion(2)
- repenting to Allah(1)
- response to 20th May(5)
- resurrection(1)
- revolution(1)
- revolution muslim letter(1)
- revolutionmuslim(1)
- riba(1)
- rights of women in islam(3)
- ringtones(1)
- Roman god(1)
- rumour about Anwar al-Awlaki(3)
- Saalih bin Taha Abu Islaam(1)
- sacrifice(1)
- sahab(1)
- salafimedia(1)
- salafis(1)
- salat(7)
- salat times(4)
- salih al-fawzan(1)
- Salih al-Munajjid(5)
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- saud-as shuraim(3)
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- saying aameen after surah fatihah(1)
- Sayyid Qutub(1)
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- science and engineering(1)
- science in Islam(1)
- search(1)
- search hadith(1)
- search quran(1)
- secular news daily(1)
- seeking forgiveness(1)
- seeking help from dead(1)
- seerah(1)
- sehr time(1)
- sermon on Ramadan(1)
- sha'ban(2)
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- shab-e-qadr(2)
- shafiee(3)
- shaheed(1)
- Shaitan(1)
- shame(1)
- shariah(1)
- shaving beard(3)
- shawwaal(1)
- Shaykh Albaani(1)
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- shaykh dying(1)
- Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan(1)
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- Sheikh ibn Baaz(1)
- sheikh musad anwar(1)
- Shia(1)
- Shiites(1)
- shirk(1)
- showing off(1)
- shuhada(1)
- shuraim(4)
- signs of day of judgement(2)
- signs of qiyamah(2)
- signs of weak iman(1)
- sikhism(1)
- singing(1)
- sites(1)
- six things to jannah(1)
- sleeping(1)
- smoking(1)
- soccer(1)
- softwares(1)
- South park(2)
- spiritual and health benefits of ramadan fast(3)
- sports(1)
- sports channels(1)
- sports teams(1)
- sprinting the last ten days of Ramadan(6)
- standing firm on Islam(1)
- start of the Islamic year(1)
- start of the year(1)
- stories to improve iman(1)
- stories to increase iman(1)
- story of a carpenter(1)
- story of adam(1)
- strikes(1)
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- study tips(1)
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- suhoor tip(1)
- suicide(2)
- summary of Islam(1)
- summer 2007(1)
- sunnah(3)
- sunnah acts(1)
- sunni school of thoughts(5)
- supplications(2)
- suspicions(1)
- suspicious things(1)
- tahajjud(3)
- tahajjud prayers(3)
- tahir ul qadri(1)
- tahleel(1)
- tahmeed(1)
- Tahrir Square(1)
- tajweed(2)
- takbir(1)
- taliban(2)
- tanzeem-e-islami(4)
- taqlid(2)
- taraweeh(5)
- taraweeh prayers(5)
- targetting anwar al-awlaki(3)
- tariq mehanna(1)
- Tawfique Chaudhry(1)
- ten favourite days(6)
- terrorism(8)
- terrorist(4)
- Terry Jones(3)
- test(1)
- texas dawah convention(1)
- Thalaba ibn Abdur Rahman(1)
- the dust will never settle down(1)
- The Forbidden Love(1)
- the next bin laden(1)
- the sight of kabah(6)
- the traps of Shaitan(1)
- themuslimguy.com(1)
- they only wish to deceive us(1)
- thief(1)
- things that invalidate fast(1)
- thunder storms(1)
- Thursdays(1)
- tilawah(2)
- tips(1)
- tips for muslims(1)
- to make it known and not to conceal it(1)
- touched by an angel(1)
- training for islam(1)
- translation of recitation for non-Muslims(1)
- trey parker(2)
- tribalism(2)
- troubled(1)
- true muslim(1)
- tsunami(1)
- two rivers(1)
- udhiyah(1)
- UK ban(2)
- UK bans Bilal Philips(1)
- UK bans zakir naik(3)
- ulama(2)
- ulamaa as-soo(1)
- Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab(1)
- Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA)(2)
- understanding of the salaf(2)
- unjust US court(1)
- updates(1)
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- US secrets(1)
- valentine's day(4)
- victory for Muslims(1)
- video games(1)
- videos(2)
- visiting someone(1)
- war against allah(2)
- warning to non-Muslims(1)
- way of the Salaf(1)
- weak iman(1)
- weakening of iman(1)
- wearing pants and shirts(1)
- wearing western dresses(1)
- weather control system(3)
- weather warfare(2)
- welcoming ramadan(5)
- west(1)
- what are we doing(1)
- when is hajj obligatory(1)
- when the reward equals fifty(1)
- whole year fasting(1)
- why live(1)
- why quran is read(1)
- wikileaks(1)
- women(3)
- women in an islamic state(1)
- women to cover hands?(1)
- work in ramadan(2)
- world trade center(1)
- worldchains(1)
- wudu(2)
- wudu or tayammum before funeral prayer(1)
- Yaum al-Furqan(1)
- Yemen(7)
- yemen security(4)
- yemeni jihad(12)
- youtube(5)
- yusuf al-qaradawi(1)
- yusuf kazzab(1)
- zaid hamid(1)
- zaid hamid and yusuf kazzab(1)
- zaid hamid exposition(1)
- zakat(2)
- zakat al-fitr(3)
- zakir naik(7)
- zakir naik banned in UK(3)
- Zardari(1)
- Zardari hit by a shoe(1)
- Zeyad Ramadan(1)
- zoroastrianism(1)