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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Before It's Too Late

What if, one day, you wake up to find the wrath of the Almighty is upon you or your house is on fire and you cannot do anything or your heart stops pumping or ... (and there are thousands of such possibilites)?

What would you do if you had spent your entire life enjoying yourself and paying not the least attention to your hereafter? What if you find out beforehand that you will be going to Hell, a place where the fire is many more times powerful and harmful than the fire of this world? What if you knew that you would not be able to transfer your punishment of Hell to others? What if you knew that your children and wealth would do you no good and that there is no way to escape the Hell fire except by good deeds? What if you knew that in Hell, you would wish to die due to the excessive pain you experience but only your skin will be replaced and your pain would not stop? What if you knew that cold water would be provided but you would only be able to drink pus or hot boiling water? What if you knew that scorpions, snakes and other deadly creatures would harm you much more than the creatures of this world? What if you knew that the curse of the Almighty was on you? What if you knew that you would be forced into the Hell fire with a horrible and forceful pushing? What if you knew that you would not want your own records of deeds to be returned to you? What if you knew the true nature of the Fire?

What if you knew that you could have escaped this punishment with some hardship in this life? What if you knew that these were not only tales of the past but lessons from which you could learn and be successful? What if you knew that you could earn a very beautiful place in Heaven by exerting yourself? What if you knew that you could have been the one drinking from the Kauthar, a river in Heaven? What if you knew that you could be of those who would be reclining on thrones? What if you knew that you could be one who would be given innumerous blessings? What if you knew about the beauty of Heaven? What if you really believed that you would be resurrected?

What would you be able to do if you found out that you could get into Heaven by believing in Allah (swt) and His last messenger? What if you followed the commands of the Almighty? What if you knew that you could earn Heaven by listening to the person who had been preaching to you and who you had been denying and abusing? What if you knew that your key to success was a small book, the Holy Quran along with the Ahadith of the Prophet (S)? What if you knew that this book would help you in both the worlds? What if you knew that it was better to understand this book rather than put it in a safe place? What if you knew that yould earn small rewards by doing dhikr in you free time just by reciting phrases that praise the Almighty? What if you knew that you could make every act of your life an ibabah (worship) by changing your intention? What if you knew that you could escape the punishment of Hell by abstaining from small acts such as listening to your music?

Would you do anything? Of course you would try but YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING! You would just be too late!

What if you know that you would plead, beg and do anything just to get another chance but you would not be granted your wish? Would you still lead your life the way you are leading it now? Would you turn over a new life or deny this message of truth and regret it later?

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Jennifer Becker Landsberger said...

I really like what you wrote. Don't 100% agree....but have read the Quran and found much of merit.
I actually asked a group of friends the other day, "What would happen if you died right now? Where would you go?"
Love your blog and will check back often!
Jennifer Becker Landsberger

Imad-ud-din Saqib said...

Jazakallah. If you want to suggest something, you are always welcome. You can post it here or just email me from the contact us page.

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